The Definitive Guide To AMERITAS DENTAL
With experience you need to still provide training if you want it done right you don't know what the previous office did and if the previous office Ameritas Dental did it right did it well did it with your kinds of insurance plans. I mean did some come from an HMO and your PPO did someone come from kikyo and and you have a lot of Medicaid you still absolutely you still need to do your own due diligence and do training and then get efficient. I had a cute picture there I don't know why it's not coming up but get efficient you know Sheree says something all the time rework is so much less expensive than we were I love that quote that she says and it's so true so getting efficient means Ameritas Dental doing training beginning and forms having documented processing systems so where do you find the time where do you find experts. Where do you find all the information well this is where we want to let you know we are having a course here's the course...